Welcome To Eliana Fragrance! Welcome To Eliana Fragrance!


Bestsellers Candles




Our candles and oils are 100% natural, vegan, non-GMO, hexane-free, non-toxic and environmentally-friendly. Therefore, our products are a healthier and safer choice for humans, animals and the environment. 
Elegant Collection

Elegant Collection

Epitome of luxury candle craft!

Created for a luxurious feel with distinctive fragrance blends. This collection offers you a unique experience that goes beyond your typical scented candles. All fragrance blends have been imagined for you with an intended goal to evoke a sense of beauty, grace, and delicacy.

Essential Oils

Gifts for Her

Home page

Jardin d’Eden – Essential Oil Collection

Jardin d’Eden – Essential Oil Collection

A collection of essential oil kits carefully selected to help you unwind, uplift the mood and establish a serene ambience in your environment. The intensity of the fragrance in the air when diffusing these essential oils will transform your space, and promotes relaxation or a sense of well-being.
La Bourgeoise Collection

La Bourgeoise Collection

A collection tribute to femininity.

Embrace the power of femininity and celebrate the unique qualities of a woman. Crafted with exceptional blends that spark beautiful memories, tell a unique story, reflect your individuality and create emotional connections. 


Our candles and oils are 100% natural, vegan, non-GMO, hexane-free, non-toxic and environmentally-friendly. Therefore, our products are a healthier and safer choice for humans, animals and the environment. 
